Friday, April 12, 2024

National Geographic-Orca Whales & Penguins

Lately,  I have been doing some maintenance works on my website. Neglecting the blog for 9 years has somewhat caused my blog website to be run downed but thankfully it needed only a few touch ups. I also had to refresh my memory on how to undertake these repairs as it has been a long, long time but it is slowly coming back to me and now that its finished I can finally concentrate on posting more content instead. 

I know that I promised to review another French TV Series and a Danish TV Series which I will do so next, but in this post, I thought I would take a break from my normal topics and mention 2 very incredible videos from National Geographic which I was lucky enough to view in YouTube. I'm not  really a naturalist or a wild life enthusiast but my nephew really loves animals and both these recent footages from National Geographic are truly astonishing. The first rare video features a grandma orca whale and a great white shark, both apex predators, and is featured in Nat Geo's latest series QUEENS (narrated by Angela Basset) while the second video shot in January 2024 by Bertie Gregory features emperor penguin chicks and will be featured in Nat Geo's SECRETS OF franchise in 2025 (SECRETS OF THE PENGUINS). Both videos could not be more different from the other since the earlier video features 2 of the most feared predators in the animal kingdom while the second features the cutest and cuddliest creatures on earth but the message from both these videos are clear, despite advanced knowledge, science and technology, we as humans still have a lot to learn about this planet and all life in it. Really humbling in my opinion.  Kudos to National Geographic for bringing these amazing footages to the general audience.

Queens TV Series by National Geographic and narrated by Angela Bassett (2024)

(Videos Courtesy of National Geographic)

A new and interesting clip for National Geographic QUEENS titled Protecting The Queendoms has recently appeared on YouTube. There is something about the dignified voice of Angela Basset that is so suitable for this series (aptly titled QUEENS). Thought I would share it here today. 
(Video Courtesy of National Geographic)

For those interested, National Geographic QUEENS Season 1 is available on Amazon Prime. Link provided below. 
QUEENS Amazon Prime (paid link)

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