Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Minuscule, Futurikon & Valley of the Lost Ants

A few years back, my mum and me got hooked on a cute French animated series called 'Minuscule' which lasted for 2 seasons and comprised of 78 episodes.  The series consists of short videos with animated CGI insects against real backgrounds (French countryside, interiors of a house etc) in humorous situations. I remember a rather mischievous ladybird, curious spiders, dragonflies/bees engaged in aerial chases and armies of ants. The series, not unlike Canimals, was really funny and entertaining . The animation was top notch and I really enjoyed watching the beautiful French countryside. Anyway, I was surprised to discover that Futurikon (the French company that produced the original series) has released a new full length movie entitled Valley of the Lost Ants which was released earlier this year. The movie concerns a ladybird (modelled after the original ladybird in the series) who befriends a black ant whose colony is at war with another colony of red ants over a box of sugar cubes. The movie, released in 3D, looks fun and is suitable for family viewing. I'm actually terrified of (real) insects but these cute ones from Futurikon are really lovable ;). In fact, they remind of another early Pixar movie, Antz, except the insects here don't talk. They only whistle. 

Minuscule 2006 French Animated TV Series by FuturikonMinuscule 2006 French Animated TV Series by Futurikon


(Video Courtesy of Minuscule YouTube)

Addendum (5th May 2024) : Besides two seasons of Minuscule and the film 'Valley of the Lost Ants' in 2013, Futurikon had released another film in 2018 titled 'Mandibles from Far Away'.

Minuscule Valley of The Lost Ants 2013 French Animated Feature Length Film by FuturikonMinuscule Mandibles From Far Away 2018 French Animated Feature Length Film by Futurikon

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